Monday, February 11, 2008

Anonymous vs. Scientology protest in LA today

Posted by Xeni Jardin, February 10, 2008 7:30 PM |USE THIS LINK TO GET FULL STORY AND A TIP OF THE HAT TO BOINGBOING.NET permalink

Sean Bonner writes on (where he and other contributors have been covering this story for weeks):

Since I first posted about Anonymous Vs. Scientology I've been following it rather closely which you've probably noticed. When the Feb 10th call to action I knew things were getting interesting. Then Newsweek picked up the story and photos started trickling in from other protests around the world this morning. I've been following the coordination efforts and planning to attend the protest today to take photos and see how many people would actually show up. In fact when I posted asking how many people you all thought might be there the response seemed to imply that most people thought no one would really show up. As Mack posted this morning that was pretty far off, and from my count over 300 people were there.

Link to full post with photos
. Images: Sean Bonner.

Below, a "Frosty Ice Co." truck presumed to be a Scientology mobile surveillance unit, with cameras inside, to document the protestors -- some of whom were masked, others not.

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