Sunday, July 27, 2008

Trees and Bike Paths Endangered in Palo Alto

Trees and Bike Paths Endangered in Palo Alto
by R. Robertson
Sunday Jul 27th, 2008 12:37 AM
Save our Trees! Protect Our Green Space! Preserve Plans for Bike Boulevards!

Palo Alto residents and San Francisco Peninsula bike commuters are challenging Santa Clara County's plan to widen Middlefield Rd. near Oregon Expressway.

Proposed alterations to Middlefield Rd. near Oregon Expressway call for removing the trees and resident-created green strip gardens between the sidewalk and traffic lanes. This will eliminate the buffer between cars and pedestrians now enjoyed by neighborhood walkers and students commuting to Jordan Middle School.

Santa Clara County conducted what some residents are calling a stealth campaign. County officials placed confusing announcements in the local paper and sent mailings describing the changes as "improvements to Oregon Expressway", a county road. In fact, the county's plan is to widen Middlefield Rd. (near Oregon Expressway). Other county-proposed alterations in the neighborhood will affect Palo Alto's commitment to improved bike paths.

Bicycle enthusiasts object that putting in a raised median to block Ross Rd. (part of the county's proposal) runs counter to plans for a bike boulevard there. Some Palo Alto city officials say the bikeway will become impossible if that median is built as planned.

The plan to spend $2.8 million in federal funds to "streamline traffic flow on Oregon Expressway in Palo Alto" is generating significant opposition. Concerned residents say that County officials announced community meetings during peak vacation times and without adequate notice.

A public hearing is scheduled for September 2008. Send comments to the county or get on the mailing list to receive notice of specifics of the upcoming public hearing.

Contact the county by mail, email or phone (contact info below).

Please provide your input to the City of Palo Alto Planning Office as well as to the county. Because Middlefield is a city street, the project can only go forward with the city's approval.

Oregon Expressway Improvement
Roads and Airports Department

County of Santa Clara
1505 Schallenberger Rd
San Jose, CA 95131
By Phone: (408) 494-2700 
By Fax: (408) 298-3806
By Email: comments [at]
Santa Clara County's proposed changes are posted at these websites: or

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