Thursday, November 6, 2008

Bush Sewage Plant plan flushed

Bush Sewage Plant plan flushed

The Republican brand may have stunk on Election Night, but not enough for San Francisco voters to rename a sewage treatment plant after President George W. Bush.

Proposition R would have changed the city's Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant to the George W. Bush Sewage Plant.

"Proponents got together and thought it would be funny to name a sewage plant after President Bush, as their way to take a shot," said Tony Winnicker, a spokesman for the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, which remained neutral on the issue.

But voters apparently did not think the prank on the unpopular president was worth the $50,000 that officials estimated it would cost to not only change the name on the facilities, but also the lettering on materials and publications. The measure was soundly rejected, as 69 percent of voters laid waste to it, according to unofficial results.
Perhaps they didn't think the sewage plant smelled bad enough. Winnicker said 85 percent of it is underground and that there is hardly any odor.

If that's the case, supporters could look to the plant's next-door neighbor: the San Francisco Zoo.

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