With Halloween being over in the USA, I am still reminded of it daliy in SLC (Salt Lake City) the recycling company passes out orange or black bags, so in front of many homes it looks like giant Halloween candy, that we got in the 60's stale, chewy, stick to your teeth candy. So my spectacles view giant candies laying around in peoples yard.
When I was a hippie and owned land at 10,000 feet, 2th ridge from the continental divide in a national forest. I wanted to construct a giant milk carton (on it's side and a giant napkin and a partial eaten sandwich (each item about about 50feet by 50 to 75 feet depending on the item) so airline folks would think that it was a giant's leftovers from lunch :-). Just a 60's hippie's idea of a joke and to remind folks not to litter, as it can be seen everywhere in real life. I was the same guy who put telephone booths on 4 wheel drive roads, next to a local newspaper machine with local papers(not of current date) I liked to make people think and would laugh when I would watch folks, try to use the phone (with today technology I could have had a dial tone, just to stretch out the game)also had stop signs and no left turn signs (thanks Colorado Highway Department) above 11,000 feet, Go away four wheel drivers, who can't stay on the road, back in my Hayduke days :-), Ed Abby was a hero figure to me
But here is TODAY'S VIEW the The Río Tinto is a river in southwestern Spain, in the Sierra Morena mountains of Andalusia. It flows generally south-southwest, reaching the Gulf of Cádiz at Huelva. The Río Tinto, or Red River in English, is notable for being very acidic, and has a deep reddish hue due to the iron dissolved in the water. The river area has a history of mining activity since the Phoenician era: primarily for copper but also some iron and manganese.(thanks to wikipedia for the info)
Tharsis on this river was the location of King Solomon's mines. From this area got Iberia the Tharsis in the Bible and later on the sephardic jews their home name.
The extreme conditions in the river may be analogous to other locations in the solar system thought to contain liquid water, such as subterranean Mars. NASA scientists have also directly compared the chemistry of the water in which the rocks of Meridiani Planum were deposited in the past with the Río Tinto.[1] Likewise Jupiter's moon Europa is theorized to contain an acidic ocean of water underneath its ice surface. Thus the river is of interest to astrobiologists.
So orange is the color of the day as I see it, through these lens...
What is going to happen when I go to India to get new glasses, just a different perspective
And a special thanks to the folks around me that know how to spell, spell check sure has a been challenge with me at the keyboard. I can only laugh at what spell check thinks that I am attempting to spell.